March Mapness: The Least Car-Dependent Neighborhoods in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado

March Mapness continues.

Here's the car-free commute map for Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. This shows the percentage of residents in each census tract who get to work on foot, bike, or transit -- anything that doesn't involve a car.

I'll be creating a map for each state and uploading census tract boundary files so that others who are interested can make their own maps showing whatever they'd like. If you'd like your state's map up earlier rather than later, just let me know.

Here's a link to the full-sized map.

For those interested in embedding the map on their own site, you'll want to go here, click the tab that says "Arizona-New Mexico-Utah-Colorado," pull down the tab that says "Publish," and copy from there. The embedded map will show whatever you're looking at when you hit "Publish" -- in my case I was viewing Phoenix, for example -- so keep that in mind if you want to highlight a specific area. (And Phoenix, seriously, you are really pathetic for such a large city.